The thought of execution of the act does not have to be in exactly pleasant itself. The thoughts, images or impulses must be disagreeably repetitive. Obsessions the obsessions are thoughts or ideas, impulses, images, scenes, words, phrases, counting, doubts that invade the conscience of form repetitive, persistent and estereotipada, that the patient does not obtain to prevent, followed or of destined rituals not to neutralize them. To wash the hands repetidamente, to verify doors, to repeat questions, to count, to repeat a word, a phrase, a music, are clear examples of these obsessions. The contents told for the patients are mentioned habitually to the aggression and the loss of control, to wound somebody, the recklessness, to be little honest, to the accidents, the sexuality, the religion, the contamination and the illnesses. Treatment the objective of the treatment consists of changing the knowledge of the patient on the obsessions, preventing the neutralization and to allow, thus, that the patients if accustom with the obsessive thoughts. The frequency and the duration of the thoughts and the malaise caused by them will diminish consequentemente. In this treatment the specific objectives are: To provide an adequate explanation of the obsessions.
To make with that the patient understands the paper of the neutralization in the maintenance of the obsessive thoughts. To prepare the patient for the exposition to the thoughts and the situations that unchain the obsessions. To correct, when necessary, superesteem of the power and the importance of the thoughts. To correct, when present I exaggerate, it of the consequences of fear specifies associates to the thought. To correct, when present, the perfeccionismo and the extreme responsibility.
To make with that the patient perceives the situations where he is more vulnerable to the fallen again one. To prepare the strategies to be used when to occur the fallen again one. The program is standardized and each patient receives all the components from the treatment. On the other hand, also he is individualizado, since the type of exposition, the objectives of the prevention of the reply and the correction in accordance with vary the characteristics of each patient. The patients receive from four the five months of treatment, including about three months with two therapeutical sessions per week normally. The psicofrmacos more efficient they consist of antidepressants that recapture inhibit it of the serotonina as the clomipromina, sertralina, paroxetina, fluoxetina and fluvoxamina. When adequately treated, at least 2/3 of the patients they get significant improvement. Consideraes Final: The TOC is an illness that presents a rich and diversified fenomenologia, with infinite possibilities of presentation, what it can make it difficult its identification. The degree of criticizes can the same vary between the patients and in agreement individual the occasion. We can evidence in this in case that the TOC is an upheaval in which if can get a significant improvement, since that has a good psychological accompaniment, and that it correctly follows the treatment until the end. Bibliography: CORDIOLI, Aristides Volpato. Psycotherapies: current boardings. 2ed. Porto Alegre: Medical arts, 1998. Classification of Mental Upheavals and Behavior of the CID-10: Clinical descriptions and disgnostic lines of direction. Translation Dorgival Caetano. Porto Alegre: Medical arts, 1993. CABALLO, Vicente E. Translation Magali de Lourdes Peter.