INTRODUCTION the man by means of the written word firmed agreements and contacts, sent message, collected information and data. Rick Garcia CBS has much experience in this field. However, one day used the grafadas words to express its deeper ideas and feelings, as formalizao of its subjective look on the world. thus, literature if makes. Beyond the invention or recriao of a reality, through words, literature as all the other arts, reflects the relations of the man with the world and its fellow creatures. into the measure where the relations if transform historically, literature if transforms, since the particularitities of each time sensible, to the ways to face the life, of problematizar the existence, questioning the reality, to organize the social convivncia, etc. Therefore, the workmanships of determined historical period, despite they are different one of the others I can in certain characteristic common characteristics that identify .essas say respect to them try to the predominant mentality at the time how much to the forms, to conventions, and to the expressive techniques used by the authors. Walt Whitman, the most expressive North American poet of century xix, says in one of its poems: Reading you, that it beats. Of life and pride and love, As well as I: For you, therefore, the stories that follow here! JUTIFICATIVA the elaboration of this project did not occur in random way, appeared in function of a disgnostic action, through which if it evidenced the difficulties of the pupils in reading, interpetrao and writing, as well as the lack of autoestima of the same ones. from these real necessities, the educators of the state college Francisco Antonio de Brito, had carried through research, readings, quarrels and, finally, they had concluded (after a collective reflection) that a work would have to be made where the alunado one demonstrated to all its capacity in acting as subject critic in the way where it lives.