It is what it characterizes the popular culture: the learning obeys a system of traditions and customs. In this direction, it is interesting to think as the popular culture, through its more diverse references, can show to the Education, or to other sciences, that the predisposition to the learning becomes more detached the more significant will be the study object. To the educators who work with the small children, de0 a6 years, valley to retake, to consolidate this relation with the popular culture, the principle whom playing characterizes as activity where if it estimates a propitious relation to the process of integral development: partner-affective-intellect-emotional. In the practical one, she is necessary to be intent to the possibilities of redimensionamento of the strategies and the materials that we have by hand for the planning of activities that come to contribute, effectively, with this operacionalizao. Under this optics, Playing To fold Paper between Cantigas and Contos is an activity, but it could well be thought as a system: from the choice of pertinent a practical instrument the tricks (in the case, the paper and the possibilities of its transformation for the process to fold it), are developed flowing of infantile discoveries and/or retaken of cantigas and the verbal narratives. Remembering that already a popular song exists very (' ' ' was a funny house very; '), the educator can lead the initial trick exactly to strengthen what he has of funny in this house does not have soil, does not have window etc.
-, with the intention to become livings creature the verses of music. If the song not to appear spontaneously, nothing hinders to present it the group, teaching to it what it says the letter. To illustrate the possibilities of this activity, let us think about a simple model of folding, that all must know the house. It is a sufficiently classic figure.