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There are many other excellent quality as El translator. Dictionary and translator online of Babylon has many adherents, and although not included among free translators, is fast and efficient. Also stands the Politraductor, which combines 12 languages among which are cuantan the Russian and German, Prompt, Worldlingo and WordReference, considered by many the best dictionary that can be found on the internet. Original author and source of the article.

American Earth Rojas

Poet, teacher by vocation (1854-1917). Throughout its existence, he knew how to show an original personality, harshness in saying, worthy of someone who knows the nature human, as its medicinal 7SONETOS exemplify. There the pace and intensity vary up to complete a whole of singular beauty.Not missed who said that it lacked aesthetic sense, but not missed those who saw in it, to the unjustly forgotten. The work of Almafuerte contains the preaching of a haughty behavior with the powerful, but pious, and open to the humble. Idealist and dreamer. Strong and free.

He raised daring images, bold metaphors, where not escatimaba fantasy, shapes that move away from the paths of romantic poetry, and whereas, therefore, can it be located among the precursors of the modernist movement. All of his work reflects the concerns of a spirit, accented tone sometimes philosophical which – in his time – have given rise to some contradictory judgments. The prose also knew of his pen, standing out Speeches and Evangelical, the latter the most representative of its kind. This sonnet, of my authorship, remembers it well: ALMAFUERTE art more reality. Verb with force. A titan of irreverent pen that knew how to flagellate, for being hurtful, and fought for life not scattered his loquacious projection was immersed in allusions free of mind, supporting the word, the voice that converses with consistent ink. He was always teaching and Council, also was freedom and even Sun to warm with faith, to the helpless.

Illusions wove with poverty. He battled from the plain and simplicity, thus clearing the path to oblivion. Today there are several generations who gather to applaud and remember that crying first that, with age, being turned into expressions of lyricism or cries of rebellion.An example of his pen is this fragment of the poem to freedom: as the same Fund of heaven the eternal Sun glittering rises, as turgent breast of a Virgin to the fire of life swells. I as well radiosa and so graceful, is it rose from the sea where lay the exuberant American Earth Rojas said:-stood by his natural talent to other areas, those of literary celebrity, what shines in Almafuerte, as with other poets of his time, is that natural talent that drew Rojas. In the absence of a rigorous aesthetic education, improvisation and the self-teaching, offset by an overwhelming, sometimes stormy inspiration, places him among the greats of the liberatura. In the anthology of the poetry Hispanoamericana (year 1934), already the Colace to Pedro B.Palacios between the definitive precursors of modernism, reconociento remaining in the manifestations of the old school, that involving didactic themes or morals that characterized the lyric of the second half of the 19th century.His work was recognized by the years, award this difficult to accomplish and much less retain. He learned the hard fighting from keep since, to not possess enabling title to exercise the Magisterium, the charges left without effect teachers, who have ever served. Faithful friends managed a pension that failed to perceive. Death found him, so, in 1917. Original author and source of the article.