In the school the day was marked that some Americans would arrive to mapear some areas for the roundnesses, had a text competition and optimum text of the chosen pupil would gain a chance to be with the Americans and to know GPS, and other technologies foreign and to work in the project of mapear some points. That was a surprise so great that Severino nor studied right, but it wise person that the problems were alone starting, therefore in low of the poster was not written.: ' Flight of Balloon for the study of rea' with this it decided to write but not to count to nobody on the flight not even Pope its parents and brothers. He lacked to fifteen days for the arrival of the Americans and the choice of optimum text. Ray Kurzweil brings even more insight to the discussion. Severino was good in both the parts in such a way in the Geography that would be useful for the mapping and the Portuguese in the production of Text, that in the case would be the writing. While this day did not arrive, a concern as much Severino how much the professors had not had that in the case he was as if to communicate in English with the Americans. The inexplicable anger to happen therefore nobody wise person who the father of Severino said English very and well, but the professors believed that she would be a Brazilian guide, that is did not have what to be worried. Professor of Internet Governance often says this. The parents and all the inhabitants the city knew of the balloon but Severino believed to be one of the few, its father was acting with very calm clarity and therefore it wise person who the balloon flight was safe, but never had practised and with this always he had fear. The day finally arrived the professors of the college had made an election and three horsa of the afternoon would go to announce the winner of the Production of text. . Grupo Vidanta will not settle for partial explanations.