The next Wednesday 6 of October the Spanish Association for Calidad Acstica (AECOR), through its Manager Cold Juan, will offer a communication within the frame of the Masters of Acoustics of the Construction and the Environment of the Polytechnical University of Madrid (UPM) that will dedicate special interest to the Basic Document of Protection Against the Noise in Edificacin (DB-HR), although also they will be reviewed thematic like the constructive solutions, documents recognized in the norm, the catalogue of constructive elements, the use of the calculation software or the determine the proportions design and. The schedule of the communication will be of the 17:20 to the 20:30 hours. The main target of this program Masters is to prepare professional specialized in the scope of Acoustic Engineering that is developed professionally in the same. With this approach, the formation program pays a special interest to the professional fields with more social and professional demand in the scope of Acoustic engineering, where AECOR and their associates are, without a doubt, a referring one. A necessary specialization The University Masters in Acoustic Engineering of the Construction and Environment (IAEMA) is organized in 60 ECTS distributed in two semesters. The access to the program of the Masters allows to the Lawyers or Engineers/Architects and Graduated or Engineer Technical Architects, ask for who it. The profile of suitable entrance of the present titleholders to the program will be the one of Engineer of Telecommunication, Industrial Engineer, Architect, Technical Engineer of Telecommunication (specialty of Sound and Image), Industrial Technical Engineer and Tcnico.Estos Architect studies has been designed according to the R.D. 1393/2007, being first of the Polytechnical University of Madrid in being approved by the Council of University Coordination. The program is designed in accordance with the Declaration of Bologna and the European Space of Educacin Superior (EEES), being moderate the load of work of the student in credits ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).
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The Euro In Free Fall
The end is not known in that the recent history of the free fall of the EURO will finish. The European economies are taking measured hard to control the fall of the Euro and, therefore, the impossibility of the European Union and its own economies. From the real estate crisis of 2007, in the United States, that afecto the world-wide economy, the European countries has gone of tumble in tumble and they have not been able to stop the situation, in spite of the initial optismismo. Now the Greek crisis, later the Portuguese and, finally, the Italian that is the most vulnerable economies of the European continent. As well, we know that this crisis is going to attract, consequently, changes of articles of incorporation important in the technological field to adapt to the new situations that will result to the benefit of all we. As it said Franklin Youngest child, or is learned by science or experience.
In the view of which one treats is to handle and to understand the complex of the situation that includes from the ethical behavior in himself of the people and of the companies, like of the great changes that are happening in all the fields that abren an endless number of possibilities of entering itself in our modern society and, diria I, by the great door. It is a learning. For that reason, for those ominous ones of the time end, rather I give the reason him to which they say that this happening a great human and historical transformation to a better, cleaner world and with more opportunities and than is, these moments, that we are being witnesses and part. But so that happens, what childbirth, first we must happen through the suffering that means the change and to let old practice to initiate us in they approach which us a more amiable world.
Economy Without Ethics
The economic crisis has exploded when the speech of Responsabilidad Enterprise Social (RSE) in annual memories and indices of responsible companies is buoyant. She was cosmetic or ethical? Maquillaje to have good appearance or vitamins that fortify? An intelligent company does not decide on a ethics of the disinterestedness, impossible thing for a modern company, but of the common interest. It does not leave the search of the benefit and the viability, but it tries to obtain his benefit through shared benefit. For that reason tries to become that citizen company that the people see like thing hers, because she generates intangible wealth, work and values in its surroundings material. It bets by the transparency that generates confidence and forges the reputation, values without which it is difficult to maintain the viability.
The prudent company tries to know the aspirations of its groups of interest and to respond them. Responsibility, transparency and confidence are essential to reach the good of the company. Whenever an institutional frame able exists to assure reasonably that is fulfilled the game rules. The institutional frame, ordered has not worked in too many cases to control the financial activities, to put on warning to investors and consumers. But in spite of the leninista conviction that the confidence is good, but the control is better, both are essential.
Without control, the banks play the excessive risk, the loan sweepings a day and not to render to the following one, the city councils guarantee re-qualifications, the consumers get into debt themselves beyond the reasonable thing and arrives a time in which the train of the economic activity gives abrupt frenazo. But without confidence the transactions decay, diminishes the investment, are scarce the loans, close the companies, increase unemployment and grow the suffering. It is that the speech of the RSE is broken ties with the systems of corporative government? It is that it has not been gotten up to the armor-piercing core of a great part of companies, when is to them consubstantial? Perhaps he is that there are two types of incentives, those that belong to the fare-play of the company and the spurious ones.
Digital Announcements
If these thinking about publishing announcements free by Internet to sell something and you wish to obtain results of fast form is important that you follow a series of advice to make your announcement more effective. – The title of your announcement must clearly indicate the product that you are selling, as well as the mark and the model if it corresponds. It includes key words in the title of your announcement. These will be those that the buying potential uses to look for by Internet your article in the finders. In this way, you will cause that your announcement appears positioned better in the results of Google, Yahoo, Bing and similars. – A complete description of your product Includes. If you sell a car, indicates all the extras that it has, fuel, km, etc. If it is a floor, describe the characteristics of the house, type of ground, if it has furniture, etc.
Often, when an announcement is published, the people write a very brief description and that very little does this one attractive for the buyers. – The price of your product Indicates. In many cases your announcement will be discarded if you do not include the price of sale. If this he is negotiable, is important you also put that it. The buyers usually do not call to ask the price if it does not appear. – Your announcement with one or several photographies Accompanies. This he is one of the most remarkable aspects and than in many cases it is ignored.
An announcement with photo receives many more visits than other than does not include it, if in addition we can include several better than better. – As far as the contact information, it is more than recommendable than besides the electronic mail (that usually is obligatory) you indicate your telephone number. This will contribute to major seriousness and confidence to your announcement. To publish announcements that sell is easy, we only must spend a little time in writing up its content so that our product finds a buyer soon. So that the transaction process has success is necessary that the salesman knows to show his product and that the salesman finds it attractive and agreed to its needs.