The form or strategy of administration of the globalization, is adjusted to the principles of 3 the neoliberal model, that it is a vehement theoretical reaction and politics against the interventionist State and of welfare. Undisputedly, it is a process without precedents in the history of the societies human beings, considering its abrangncia, its amplitude and power of domination. Express in the consumption of superfluous and dismissable, in the conditional taste of the people, in the division of the society in consumers and merchandises. Obviously, cousin for ' ' bons' ' customers. A related site: Xcel Energy mentions similar findings. Vender and to buy: the magnificent and seductive epigraph. The education, while social phenomenon, suffers influences from the ample reorganization of the society (in course), in a successive and globalizante scale, redefining practical and educational politics. Michael Steinhardt may find this interesting as well.
The globalization of the education is evident, as cultural process by means of the processing, diffusion and transmission of information. It implies, therefore, in a uniformizao of economic and cultural standards. In this context, the enterprise, mercantile logic, if imposes the politics. With the withdrawal of the State in the plan of development of the societies, consequently, ' ' it enters in cena' ' the privatization of the public services and the restriction to the social rights. Doubtlessly, the exclusion of human groups shows as the tragic face and macabra of this historical moment. It is insisted on making to believe that ' ' the destination is this mesmo' ' , ' ' they do not exist alternative to the accumulation of capital' ' , ' ' it is the end of the Histria' ' …. The insistences for the legitimation of the neoliberal ideology are many, as it affirms Malaguti (2000, P.
07): ' ' the neoliberal iderio is totalizante and totalitarian. … Is presented as a species of ' thought nico' or ' truth inquestionvel' , looking for to impose itself, for this it saw, as exclusive interpretation of the reality social.' ' The immobilization of the History, proclaimed for the neoliberal thought, proclaims ' ' vitria' ' of the gift.