As much these familiar comoseus must know and know to deal with the processoscognitivos that can be modified with the increase of the age. Strategies that aim at intervenosob aspects as memory of work, aateno and the speed of processing must serdesenvolvidas to work in favor of the language, utilizandorecursos that promote the valuation of self and to quetirem advantage of the strong points of the doidoso cognition, as the preservation of the memriaepisdica, the use of strategies decompreenso that value the context and the aspects globaisdo speech of the interlocutor and the ability to produce narrativasinteressantes emarcadas for the wealth in the expression of the emotions. INTRODUCTION the objectives of this work are, as if it sees, eminently practical, since they scrumble to a position taking front to the pedagogical difficulties of the teach-learning of the languages, as much in what materna says respect to the language, how much to one second language. The language of the aged one, each time more, has been the focus of research of psychology and the lingustica that they search to identify transformations and to detect the causes of possible changes that occur in the aging process. This article revises important studies on the language of the aged one, focusing the discoveries, the controversies and the hypotheses of the maintenance or the decline of lingusticas functions in the oldness.
The research in this field still is in initial period, however the interaction enters disciplines is increasing. Moreover, the studies start to focus the functions that are preserved or that they evolve with the advance of the age and appear trends for the development of future perspectives of intervention during the aging process. The research comes demonstrating that independent of the results to demonstrate to declnios, preserved or superior abilities, the inquiry must return with positive fruits for the life from the aged ones. .