Another one aggravation, ally to this constatao, verifies in the referring questions to the reading and the literal production. The claim of the lack of domain of the grammatical norms praised by the language standard and of literal strategies is unanimous. Beyond, as it is known, the argumentativa lack of legal capacity, of not the exercise of the formularization of ideas, concepts and proper opinions. We can also affirm that to read it means not to be only in what they say the texts, but to incorporate what they bring to transform our proper knowledge, developing it, of form that if improves beyond the knowledge, to know intrinsic to the social life. It can be read of superficial form, but also if it can interrogate the text, to leave that it considers new doubts, questions previous ideas and induces to think in another way. Compagnon defends that the reading has to see with empatia, projection and identification, fitting the reader to make its choices of readings, when these are imposed, it finishes for if having an imperfection in the interaction of the text with the reader, this, reading and interprets, only and mere, for obligation if not dedicating or abstracting from the text what it has of news. We verify that the paper of the reader, today ' ' it is free, bigger, independent: its objective is less to understand the book of what to understand itself exactly; by the way it cannot understand a book if it thanks to its does not understand proper livro' ' (COMPAGNON, 2003, P. 144), in this we verify the effectiveness of the reading in the formation of the criticidade of the reader, as well as a deep recognition of itself in its readings, abstracting from them what of essential it possesss for its personal and partner-cultural formation. Analyzing literature contemporary, we make possible certain concern with paper of the reader and as this interacts with the text, verifying as crucial the mediation and orientation of the professor and its strategies so that the reading is become fullfilled in efficient way.