Top 10 Of The Companies Of Web Lodging In The Twitter

With the fast growth of the social net Twitter many of the lodging companies web had not wasted plus a chance to arrive at its white public, want either for contact with customers, valuation of its mark, spreading of notice and even for promotion of competitions and discountings. The sounding of blog maisAlojamento obtained to select many of the biggest companies of lodging web nacionalque has effective presence in the Twitter, being that the PTServidor and WebTugHosting are the ones that more are distinguished. Both have already a nmerosubstancial of followers, above of the 200, and obtain estabeleceruma exactly relation with its customers through the exchange of messages curtasno Twitter. The content of tweets goes since the new features of the company edos its plans of lodging until a spreading of the states of the seusservios as it is the case of the PTServidor, WebLive, Hosting BUG, Esoteric eEuestouaqui. Many of the companies use to advantage the contents of its blogspara spreading in the Twitter. They are examples the WebTugHosting, InforAssist, PTWS and of Hosting BUG.

The Esoteric one exactly arrived to place offers deemprego! In terms of activity, or number of tweets, the maisactivas are, for this order, the InforAssist with 353 tweets, the HostingBUG with 151, the PTServidor, 141 and the WebTugHosting, 134. This empresasso the ones that more they take off broken of the communication power that the Twitteroferece and exactly obtains to create a social mini-net with customers in general epblico. To the level of the positioning and spreading of its mark almost they todospossuem deep personalized being special prominence for PTServidore PTWS that had made question to include contact and services. Still aeste level we suggest that, as much the PTServidor as the WebTugHosting, guided its deep ones to have reading better the resolutions maisbaixas (and more common), as 1280800 of many of the portteisexistentes, therefore its logotipos are not total visible. Nesteaspecto CGest and PTWS obtain to maximize its exposition of formaperfeita. This ranking of the maisAlojamento is susposto to be in regularactualizao mainly in the addition of new companies who, or for noterem presence in the Twitter or our total unfamiliarity, noconstam in this study. We find that estratgiade would be a good step in its marketing that companies as the Amen, WebHS, HocNet, PTWebtech, Trignosfera (foreseen for the end of the year), among others, gave estepasso and made to be valid its presence in the social net Twitter.