Memory Information

For Lent (2001), it has a sequncia of events in the mnemnicos processes, the first one it is the acquisition of the information, follows the storage and finally the recovery of the information through the memory. 2,2 Phases of Memory the memory occupies a central place between the thematic ones that they are studied in the scope of Cognitiva Psychology. Its definition shows difficult, due to its boarding to have been perspetivada two different chains in accordance with and for antagnicas times: the estruturalista perspetiva (sensorial memory, memory of short term and memory of long stated period) and the procedural perspetiva (it says respect to the mental activities that we execute in view of the codification, retention and recovery of the information of the memory). The studied estruturalista conceo more, shows to us that it has some memories, that they differ between itself and they meet in the unicity and interdependence of functioning. The prespetiva guided for the processes, has helped to understand that the used strategies in any of the phases of the mnsico process: acquisition, retention and recovery of the information, are basic and interdependent, that is the use of a strategy in one of the phases, it conditions the optimized performance if it will not be present in the one in another phase. Sternberg (2000), describes that the cognitivos psychologists had identified three common operations of the memory: codification, storage and recovery. Acquisition: before remembering we have to learn, without learning does not have memory.

The learning can occur of different forms and depends on the attention that dmos to the event or event. Through the attention, we ignore the stimulatons that do not have interest for we and hold back the ones who we consider important, but to conserve them its codification is necessary. The codification says respect to the form as an information item is placed in the memory.

The Oldness

As much these familiar comoseus must know and know to deal with the processoscognitivos that can be modified with the increase of the age. Strategies that aim at intervenosob aspects as memory of work, aateno and the speed of processing must serdesenvolvidas to work in favor of the language, utilizandorecursos that promote the valuation of self and to quetirem advantage of the strong points of the doidoso cognition, as the preservation of the memriaepisdica, the use of strategies decompreenso that value the context and the aspects globaisdo speech of the interlocutor and the ability to produce narrativasinteressantes emarcadas for the wealth in the expression of the emotions. INTRODUCTION the objectives of this work are, as if it sees, eminently practical, since they scrumble to a position taking front to the pedagogical difficulties of the teach-learning of the languages, as much in what materna says respect to the language, how much to one second language. The language of the aged one, each time more, has been the focus of research of psychology and the lingustica that they search to identify transformations and to detect the causes of possible changes that occur in the aging process. This article revises important studies on the language of the aged one, focusing the discoveries, the controversies and the hypotheses of the maintenance or the decline of lingusticas functions in the oldness.

The research in this field still is in initial period, however the interaction enters disciplines is increasing. Moreover, the studies start to focus the functions that are preserved or that they evolve with the advance of the age and appear trends for the development of future perspectives of intervention during the aging process. The research comes demonstrating that independent of the results to demonstrate to declnios, preserved or superior abilities, the inquiry must return with positive fruits for the life from the aged ones. .


First clear, therefore they need elucidative objetividade, without extreme divagaes techniques. Seguidamente trustworthy, a time that decisions taken from sources suspicion produce resulted disastrous. Thus, the professional must, necessarily, know techniques of managemental accounting, so that she takes care of these new demands. Although if he emphasizes such characteristics, he fits to point out, however, that diverse accountants resist the changes imposed for the new scene of century XXI. Many of these tied academic formations that had had.

The companies currently demand high level of professional ability of the accountants. This ability must be formed by the interseco of the joint knowledge, ability and attitudes. The future will be of who to know to create strategically, that is, of that to know to use itself of the information to add greater value to the consisting patrimony. Soon the central point for the success in this new century must be the knowledge and not it information. The knowledge must have priority on the information. With the globalization, it still appears, a new profile of professional, which must more be flexible, studious and chemical preparation to know the trifling details of its profession, not more only in national, but also international level. Thus appearing the necessity of a capable professional of if adapting to the diverse aspects demanded for the companies.

ARRUDA (2007, p.17), says in them that: The ideal professional is that one that potencializa the communication, the interpretation of data, the flexibilizao, the functional integration and the generation, absorption and exchange of knowledge. He must be capable to operacionalizar its professional knowledge in integrated way its aptitudes and lives deeply sociocultural, acting pro – actively as agent of the innovation process. Beyond this gamma of ability, also the capacity is demanded to the professional to develop multipurpose varies tasks becoming a multi-functional worker, with responsibilities on the work, acting in teams in accordance with the strategies organizacional in which this inserted one, innovation and creativity.

Cardon Resignation

3a. Call of the Assembly of 25 of August of 1929: Adiscusso of the telegram if perpetuated. The act registers that the letter had sidoendereado to the Been periodical of So Paulo, firming document of support of the CentroOperrio and of Thick Tip to the candidate the President of the Republic Jlio Prestes- the letter had been signed together with the Mayor. Soon he consists quepossivelmente, the incentive to enlistment, on the part of Cardon, he was not casoisolado. In reply, Jose Deslandes de Souza said that not exerceutal act with ' ' intention to harm the Center that with the aid of outroselementos of value in the seio of the classroom worker, it had established, if made and concordoucom telegramma of (…) solidarity of the government of the State and cidaderepresentada in the person of illustre Dr. the Mello&#039 Fields; ' (COCB Ata11).

Adejamiro Cardon asks for the word at this moment, to dizendoentender such gesture as a gratefulness form, if relating the JulioPrestes as ' ' great trabalhador' ' of other societies operrias21para later ' ' to arrive the conquests then in politics nacional' '. Cardon still said to have ' ' hopes to see the men of the work if unindoao side of that they govern in them elaborating the laws that in regem' ' (op. Cit.). The controversial document was dealt with by Jose Deslandes de Souzacomo reason to its resignation the presidency the Laboring Center. It assembliadeliberou it against the resignation of Souza. ' ' Using this of the word, said entoque exactly thus if it considered dismissed and it asked for license to since it was not of the interest of the members dasociedade that this left the presidency. These two acts show that aomisso of the such ‘ ‘ assumptos politicos’ ‘ she was justified to leave deargumentos that they were corresponded with ‘ ‘ good nome’ ‘ of the associaooperria.

ATC State

Next, the fixation state assemblies and engine units and the interior of the body, located in the engine compartment. Be sure to take photographs inside surface of the bonnet, with the obligatory fixation of the thermal damage on it. 5. Fixing the state of the vehicle underbody for fixing the state of the bottom of the car to put the body on the side (of course, with the permission of the ATC), or, if possible, a car pick up on the lifts. Particular attention in fixing the state heads should be paid to the appearance of the fuel tank (inflated or has an established form), on the condition of the fuel system, etc. Particular attention should be pay sites bottom with traces of annealing to rust and signs of tarnishing the metal. 6.

Commit staff and freelance electrical Usually necessarily fixed: battery status, suitable to her electrical wires, equipment onboard alarms, including blocks, howler, limit switches, wires, etc., fuse blocks and fuses state, the state of car radios and the like, as well as the connection point; fragments of wiring, which may be necessary for specialist information. 7. Take pictures of places and objects that have direct contact with the original place of burning and cause fire. During the inspection vehicle is often necessary in the removal of items that had relevance to the source of ignition. Be sure before you break the position of these items, they should be photographed. Then photographed separately for each of the seized item.

ATC State

Next, the fixation state assemblies and engine units and the interior of the body, located in the engine compartment. Be sure to take photographs inside surface of the bonnet, with the obligatory fixation of the thermal damage on it. 5. Fixing the state of the vehicle underbody for fixing the state of the bottom of the car to put the body on the side (of course, with the permission of the ATC), or, if possible, a car pick up on the lifts. Particular attention in fixing the state heads should be paid to the appearance of the fuel tank (inflated or has an established form), on the condition of the fuel system, etc. Particular attention should be pay sites bottom with traces of annealing to rust and signs of tarnishing the metal. 6.

Commit staff and freelance electrical Usually necessarily fixed: battery status, suitable to her electrical wires, equipment onboard alarms, including blocks, howler, limit switches, wires, etc., fuse blocks and fuses state, the state of car radios and the like, as well as the connection point; fragments of wiring, which may be necessary for specialist information. 7. Take pictures of places and objects that have direct contact with the original place of burning and cause fire. During the inspection vehicle is often necessary in the removal of items that had relevance to the source of ignition. Be sure before you break the position of these items, they should be photographed. Then photographed separately for each of the seized item.

For Pine

In Brazil 14% of the population it has access the net. Projects of digital inclusion carried through by the government are changing these data gradual (ABRANET, 2009). 1.4E-COMMERCE 1.4.1DEFINIO According to Albertin (2001, P. 40), appraises e-commerce as ‘ ‘ being the accomplishment of all the chain of values of processes of a business in an electronic environment, by means of the intense application of the technologies of the communication and of information, taking care of to the objectives of negcio’ ‘. In the truth e-commerce nothing more is of what the true evolution of the market. A tool of the Internet, that if used to advantage well is capable to generate resulted expressive, thus reaching, an enormous potentiality for attraction of diverse consumers. For Pine (2000, P.

210), ‘ ‘ the companies must be prepared to face amazing the increasing one of users in the Internet in the commerce of products and also in the transformations you happened of the electronic commerce mundial.’ ‘ 1.4.2FORMATO OF the E-COMMERCE In accordance with Potter and Turban (2005) exists some types of e-commerce. Most common they are: B2B (BUSSINES-TO-BUSSINES). It is a carried through negotiation of the company for company through the Internet. It is the format of e-commerce that more it puts into motion importncias monetary. B2C (BUSSINES-TO-CONSUMER). It is a negotiation it carries through of the company for the consumer through the Internet. Examples of companies who vendem for its consumers through the Internet: , e.

C2B (CONSUMER-TO-BUSSINES). It is a carried through negotiation of the consumer for the company through the Internet. This modality meets in increasing deals in it virtual, therefore when a company needs some product, the same one is enough to announce in the net its intention of purchase.

English Pixels

Characteristics of digital cameras to pick up a digital camera, be aware of its main characteristics: matrix (CCD (CCD, Charge Coupled Device) matrix, the analog film): A very important feature because the quality of of the photographs depends on the number of minimal elements of pixels (pixel, from the English. picture element-'element image ') CCDs that make up the image. Determine the parameters of: a) the number of sensitive elements (not always coincides with the number of pixels in the resulting image, so when buying a digital camera take note: if it is named by the number of sensors or the number of pixels in the resulting shooting image, it's working or effective pixels) and b) the sensitivity (shooting in daylight and not very fast moving objects in the 50-100 iso sensitivity is quite sufficient), and c) the number of pixels of the image, working or effective pixels. Since ccd 1,3 Mpx (or 1,3 M pixels) allows to take photos with a maximum of 1280×960 ppi (pixels per inch, ppi), the matrix 2MPx-1600×1200 (A4 format (more 1900h1200 points, 2.3 megapixels)) , 3,3 MPx-2048×1536, 5,24 MPx-2560h1920 ppi (standard matrix: the ratio of width to height of the picture 1.33333, which coincides with the resolution of the monitor screen), and d) size – respec-tively, the more elements, the higher the resolution matrix and the exact color of the image. Today while some firms (eg, Canon) are actively using a different technology: cmos (CMOS) matrix. Tip: The best option: 3-megapixel camera, the resolution of the frame around 1984×1488 ppi (example, sony DSC-P72: 3.3 Mega-pixel matrix.

Object Manipulations

The knowledge is constructed, leaving of the concrete to the abstract? Or of the abstract to the concrete? In the truth a unidirectional way does not exist to reach or to construct the knowledge. Certain it is that abstract and concrete if articulates, the abstractions are necessary mediaes to the construction of the knowledge, as well as also they are the concrete object manipulations, or same the references they. Applicability Everything in Mathematics can be applied to some subject or all the subjects, of some form, have one ' ' Matemtica' ' inlaid: it is the effective belief, and it is, many times, the used argument to justify the education of the Mathematics, world measures. Of the Psychoanalysis to Biology, of the Economy to the Linguistics and beyond already called ' ' Exatas&#039 sciences; ' , everything involves Mathematics. It is what we listen frequently. We see to each day an increasing development of the technologies, an increasing computerization of the society; terms as inclusion or digital exclusion, already are ' ' includos' ' in the jargon of the daily speech. The massificante or massacrante presence of the computers in our daily activities takes to accept us to it the idea maken a mistake of immediate applicability of the Mathematics.

Binary codes, passwords, programming languages, by the way, ' ' Science of the Computao' ' if it dresses or it coats with Mathematics and also it gains its air of ' ' Matemtica&#039 exactness; ' , of logicidade. In day-by-day of the common citizen, hardly we will see it calculating ' ' Logarithms in the base e' ' , or ' ' Esponenciais of the 0 variable x' ' , exactly that it makes it to the computer. Normally we see it using additions, subtractions, divisions or multiplications, when, analyzing (appreciating) very graphical. These ' ' manifestations matemticas' ' periodicals, magazines, programs of television, careless form are propagated in or exactly frivolous, and a movement of if bringing the media for the classroom can until creating a false expectation of that everything that if to study will be applied to some daily thing.