In Brazil 14% of the population it has access the net. Projects of digital inclusion carried through by the government are changing these data gradual (ABRANET, 2009). 1.4E-COMMERCE 1.4.1DEFINIO According to Albertin (2001, P. 40), appraises e-commerce as ‘ ‘ being the accomplishment of all the chain of values of processes of a business in an electronic environment, by means of the intense application of the technologies of the communication and of information, taking care of to the objectives of negcio’ ‘. In the truth e-commerce nothing more is of what the true evolution of the market. A tool of the Internet, that if used to advantage well is capable to generate resulted expressive, thus reaching, an enormous potentiality for attraction of diverse consumers. For Pine (2000, P.
210), ‘ ‘ the companies must be prepared to face amazing the increasing one of users in the Internet in the commerce of products and also in the transformations you happened of the electronic commerce mundial.’ ‘ 1.4.2FORMATO OF the E-COMMERCE In accordance with Potter and Turban (2005) exists some types of e-commerce. Most common they are: B2B (BUSSINES-TO-BUSSINES). It is a carried through negotiation of the company for company through the Internet. It is the format of e-commerce that more it puts into motion importncias monetary. B2C (BUSSINES-TO-CONSUMER). It is a negotiation it carries through of the company for the consumer through the Internet. Examples of companies who vendem for its consumers through the Internet: , e.
C2B (CONSUMER-TO-BUSSINES). It is a carried through negotiation of the consumer for the company through the Internet. This modality meets in increasing deals in it virtual, therefore when a company needs some product, the same one is enough to announce in the net its intention of purchase.