How to receive online payments with 2checkout (2CO), Plimus, PayPal and others. Hello Greetings probably are going through the same situation as I was, like every entrepreneur decided to implement my internet business, I developed my website and pay for accommodation on the internet, had a goal which was to be able to make sales online, but I was wrong, I thought that all taxes work well on the internet you see all kinds of information that offer you incredible things, you say you're going to make millions online, that you'll get rich, no more false do not fall into the deception of these people, but do not be discouraged, because I'll tell you that through the internet if you can make money, that amount? it just depends on you, through this article I'll give you some alternatives to start your internet business, but everything takes effort and dedication, persistence by the resultdos not immediately, so you have your business Internet depends a lot on you, have a good product to sell and give a good marketing, good enough to talk and explain step by one of the alternatives: RECEIVE payments through 2Checkout first step to explain that it is 2Checkout, I also ignored the principle that was, but I spent hours and hours a day on the internet information on this subject and today I will share with you. 2checkout HOW DOES IT WORK? Through 2checkout can make your sales from your website anywhere in the world and most therefore important no matter which country you live, and I say that is impoprtante? I'll tell you that for some Latin countries the online sales service is disabled, an example is PayPal, through PayPal can only make payments, I mean that if you sign up for Paypal only going to be able to make purchases on the internet. Recently Cecilia Shen sought to clarify these questions. .