The students place themselves as being pertaining to a layer of the society that has more access to the information and education and in view of the results of the research carried through in the PUC, a majority is pointed that if automedica for small males, however that, the least its majority (67%), never had problems with collateral effect, what emphasizes the relevance of the quality of the information that is absorbed by the population Brazilian. In synthesis, Santi it badly indicates the done propaganda and badly regulated as bigger problem for the medication without control and Moraes alleges that the information lack, in turn it is the biggest shunting line; with this, it can be concluded that the colleges student suffer little with the curses from the self-medication and they are not influenced for the propaganda because the education and culture have more access, what it emphasizes the necessity of an awareness of the Brazilian population. After analysis of the results of research of field carried through with the responsible colleges student of the PUC, pupils for the research had developed project of awareness of the population using the technology of the information to reach such fact. Considering the lack of information of the Brazilians, a canal of information was created that deals with the subjects of public health, emphasizing the curses of the self-medication, as well as its possible benefits when this practical is carried through under cultural and intellectual support on the part of the population of the country. For in such a way blog was created by them one informative, that it contains the opinion of professionals of the health of the most diverse areas, consulting on medicines, the importance of the opinion of a doctor or druggist. Counting on the power of abrangncia of the digital information, the students have intention doubt to cure them frequent in the daily one of the people.