Century Plastics

This High-quality, substantial furniture in the style of past epochs, the interior is composed of objects, always have a historical identity. Modern style Every innovation in industry, technology creates its own style and fashion. Fashion affects the material, the material impact on fashion. Thus, in primitive society 'in fashion' was the natural stone. Simultaneously, in the course of construction went tree.

Derivative of a tree – the papyrus. It was used not only for communication on distance, but also for decoration. Later, with the opening of the metal, in daily life 'became a popular' first such material, like copper, then bronze. Invented civilization glass, and in the design of homes have been actively used its plastic and physical properties. It took several centuries, there was mass production, industrial chemistry, and as a result of 'the triumph of man over nature', are in demand synthetic materials in construction, decoration. Century Plastics are still perfectly gets into the interior, both in public and in personal. Kitsch is the brand name for some flows of post-modernism, such as Memphis, and using the potential durnovkusiya sentimental charms crafts of mass demand.

This game antidizayn that arose as a protest over the interior in the fashion for those who are ready to apply to their environment is not too serious. Chinese style Construction of dwelling Chinese is very different in style from other Eastern peoples. This played a role measured way of life and a philosophical attitude to everything happening. 'You live in space and time, and we only space "- Chinese proverb says.