Coaching Assessment

With this definition updates the schedule and agenda of meetings. 9. Monitoring In each session the coach will review together with the executive compliance with the proposed work program, difficulties encountered and the required support the coachee to move forward with its process. The tasks have not been met, will be analyzed and discussed in order to verify if they are still necessary in this case of setting a new date rescheduled and adjusting the work plan, to be considered by the coachee are not required will be discarded. The monitoring also includes the analysis of the positive changes in the coachee and how this affects the overall process and possible changes in the overall objective because of the improvements obtained. 10. Assessment This part of the process allows measure progress.

10.1 Evaluation of performance should be regularly perform assessments to verify that the improvements obtained in the coaching process has had positive effects on the coachee’s work plays and if necessary adjusted in any way the work plan. 2.10 Assessment. The improvement in leadership and management skills should be measured before and during and after the coaching process by an Assessment of the same characteristics, in order to verify whether the management has improved in the skills listed and if the training or training plan must be adjusted. 2.10 ROI coaching process A process can and should be measured as an investment capable of producing a profit. The rate of return on investment is usually greater than 600% over the next 6 months. Of course varies depending on the depth of the problems to solve and the ease with which can be quantified additional income earned from and after the process performed. This is also necessary to make a measurement before and after the process, by indicators of income and expense can be kept stable during the same or do not have significant variations that can be attributed to other causes unrelated to the process.