This idea of Europe of the citizens is very recent, with the objective to socialize the information giving the access it for the users. As it described Baptist (2007, P. 182) has advances of the area of the study of users. They show that today sophisticated qualitative studies can more be made, theoretical and, instrumentally appropriate for the development of systems based on the especificidades of the behaviors of the final users. This allows to make more ergonomic systems in accordance with cognitivas, affective, psychological and physiological necessities of the users.
5. USERS DE INTERNET AND DIGITAL INCLUSION On the democratization of the information, Arajo (2008, p.8) says that in the decade of 1980 the concern in the countries of third world was that ' ' The informacionais problems leave of being those on ones to the promotion of the use of information sources, to the satisfaction of the users with the systems or to the identification of the used sources more, dislocating itself for the question of the identification of the informacionais excluded ones, of the problems of access to the sources and systems of information, of the denunciation of the inaqualities in terms of access and uso' '. Research discloses that, still today, little less than 5% of the people in the whole world they use the Internet, has inaqualities between countries central offices and peripherals in diverse plans, (a logic of global economy that favors the maintenance of the inaqualities between countries central offices and peripherals in diverse plans, also in science and technology. E, still, inaqualities in the process of transformation of data in information, information in knowledge, knowledge in social intelligence.) (GARDEN, 2001). Still the same author comments that how much to the access to the information: the current technologies of the information foment one ' virtual space in the functioning and proper characteristics that produce new configurations of production, flow and access to the information; the concept of ' ' place ' ' one becomes secondary for the professional of the information and the users; the institutions as archives, libraries and centers of documentation acquire new vocations, renew functions that it are historical and surpass others.