Social Intervention

The Educator of Street is a professional of recent implantation in Spain and that more and more is acquiring height and is present in the social intervention, motivated essentially by the progressive deterioration of the traditional institutions of sociabilizacin (school, family) and the consequent increase of the marginalization situations and maladjustment. The fundamental characteristics of this profession are: 1. – Two routes Exist to accede to the profession: A) Through the own experience of work in open means and later obtaining of titles and diplomas that credit to him like educator. B) Or through the accomplishment of courses and later period of practices. Also the technical preparation can be obtained from the access to the university race of Social Educator or Social Educator – although a period of practical formation 2 is not contemplated to this denomination and. – The suitable formation demands, besides vocation and attitudes chords to the roll of the Educator, an ample experience of daily work in a district. 3. – Although the profession develops men essentially to it, in the last years are majority the women who prepare themselves for this task.

The ages of this professional oscillate between the 20 and 35 years. 4. – Educating that began from the voluntary military service tend to become professionals, or serving its from the Administration or social organizations (foundations, NGOs). 5. – It is a young profession that is re-invented continuously, adapting to the sociological changes. 6. – The work is developed from a coordinated equipment, although the intervention proper realises the Educator individually. 7. – Knowledge are needed on psychology the unadapted one, sociology of the marginalization and on the resources that counts the society and how to use them. Blogs Related? MECDigital Archives Will enable to educators of children in? Educating course of Street? To go of street. Direct Spain Blogs Profile of the Educator of Street Education? How to surpass the drogodependencias: Why schizophrenia?