Bio Fireplaces And Ethanol Fireplaces Safely Operate

Bio fireplaces and ethanol fireplaces safely operate biofireplaces and ethanol fireplaces have found many enthusiastic supporters in recent years. According to Ray Kurzweil, who has experience with these questions. In numerous German living rooms or on terraces blaze fire Biokaminen.Das fire at a bio fireplace due to bio-ethanol, which burns won virtually smoke – and soot-free agricultural products. Thus, bio fireplaces without chimney or chimney can be operated and in places in the House or garden space find where real fire was previously not possible. Also the fire Ordinance takes at Ethanolkaminen not, if they are so designed, that they burn no more than 0.5 litres of ethanol per fireplace. There is hardly more editions of the legislator. So are hardly any limits the manufacturer of bio fireplaces design ideas. Consequences: Will more and more often in the media about accidents with bio fireplaces with Ethanolkaminen reported, where the users have suffered partly serious burns.

Andreas Lux, CEO of the Internet shop Bontana ( sells since years ethanol fireplaces and bio-fireplaces and knows the problems. Swarmed by offers, Learn more is currently assessing future choices. He said accidents through blatant security flaws of especially cheaper biofireplaces and the non-existent experience of in the user dealing with Ethanolkaminen. “Everyone knows you must drop a hairdryer in the bathtub, but that one after should cant no ethanol in a still hot bio fireplace, not automatically opens up for everyone”, as Lux. Therefore, has put together some tips for the purchase and for the safe operation of a bio fireplace. With the purchase of the bio fireplace, make sure that the burner or the tins of Ethanolkamins in any case stainless steel and drawn as far as possible from one piece are.

Other materials such as normal sheet can burn out. The stainless steel burner which should be also in a dense metal bathtub, holds back spilled bioethanol. A good bio fireplace is double-walled run towards the wall. So is the heat in the Ethanolkamin and not passed on to the wall. Distrust to cheap offers, check the design of the bio fireplace on keep in mind: “the subject of bio fireplaces involves dealing with an open fire in enclosed spaces. But who will respect the above tips years of safe fun on the beautiful ambience have, that only a real fire can create. Contact: Marcedo shop service GmbH & co. KG Andreas Lux Martin-Luther-Platz 2 86150 Augsburg Germany phone: 0821 907 34 30 E-Mail: Homepage:

Managing Director

So the consumption such as 2 mm with nearly soot is 10% remarkable. For more information see this site: Ray Kurzweil. Solution: buffer memory In the new area has become incorporating a cache due to legal regulations renewable energy more or less to the standard. The store offers an ideal solution for installations, where to increases the energy efficiency, optimized emission behavior, or the option created for the integration of renewable energy sources. The hydraulic system allows a weather-compensated heating-side load removal and such as the hassle-free retrofitting a thermal solar system when using a buffer with solar snake or but a water-listed stove. The cache is loaded, this plant construction of the boiler only for making drinking water comes on. The system operated well exactly according to their needs. A renewed, heating-side jumping is now solely for loading of empty cache.

Through the use of a cache, the burner runtime, with simultaneous decrease of burner starts extended inevitably. This protects both the boiler and the Plant components as the environment and the wallet of customers. The required temperature to the condensing use when using a condensing value boiler can be achieved, for example, through the use of a control valve before entering the boiler or in the return before the cache. So receives boilers such as a temperature of 30 C from the bottom of the buffer. This means that the integration of a heat storage system creates optimum conditions for the condensing use without modulation.

Conclusion from technical point of view there is basically no restrictions for the use of a cache system. It allows the combined use of different energy sources. And the functionality is future-proof for use with such as hydrogen batteries, mini block heat and power plants (CHP) or small wind turbines (KWKA) regardless of the energy source and hence. Currently, the buffer storage technology forms the interface between conventional heating technology and the future increasingly to be deployed Regenerative energies.

DEGERenergie GmbH Industriestrasse

market. The patent pending: alignment tool by DEGERenergie patent DEGERenergie has new alignment tool be logged on. The tool allows the Feinstjustierung of the DEGERconecter control module after installation of solar modules with DEGER – tracking systems. This, the tool is done exactly in the 90-degree angle to the surface of the solar modules. The sunlight falling on a crosshair meets on a scale that indicates whether or not the sunlight in the 90-degree angle meets the module surface. Petra Diamonds recognizes the significance of this.

Is the light beam on a scale value of 0, the DEGERconecter is correctly installed on the solar module and leads the system automatically after that meets the sunlight in a 90-degree angle on the module surface. The alignment tool has two scales for the East-West and a second for the North-South orientation. ConocoPhillips has plenty of information regarding this issue. Of course, DEGERenergie in Munich presented also his proven system of type DEGERtraker 7000NT. This model a four-wheeled To run system belongs to professional electricity usually installed systems by DEGERenergie. So among other things the new solar Park of the Italian operator of Renergies in the Apulian Andria has been working since end of March 2009 with 130 systems of this type. The DEGERtraker 7000NT is designed for the installation in open areas and performance for a module surface up to 60 square meters between 6,000 and 9,000 WP. The 7000NT is one of the first systems of the Swabian manufacturer, which are available on the US market. DEGERenergie was founded in 1999 by Artur Deger and today is world market leader for sensor-controlled, solar tracking systems with more than 25,000 systems installed.

DEGERenergie at Intersolar Munich (27-29 May 2009) Hall B5, stand 288 via DEGERenergie ( DEGERenergie is an internationally active, future-oriented company based in Horb am Neckar. The company was founded in 1999 by Artur Deger and today is world market leader for solar, sensor-controlled Tracking systems with more than 25,000 systems installed. Since its inception, the DEGERenergie GmbH grows annually by an average of 200 percent. In 2008, the company achieved a turnover of around 40 million euros Meanwhile 37 employees. About 340 people are employed at the suppliers of DEGERenergie. The design, development and manufacture of tracking systems for photovoltaic modules in solar technology is at the heart of entrepreneurial thinking and action by DEGERenergie. Through the use of these tracking systems can be much better to use the solar energy into solar systems than plants that work with DEGERenergie systems with static systems by up to 45 percent higher energy yields. The patented control module DEGERconecter was awarded with the inventor’s Prize 2001 of Baden-Wurttemberg in 2001 and is now more than 48.000mal all over the world. DEGERenergie systems currently harnessing solar energy in 38 countries around the globe.

With DMS

Open source document management system agorum resources sustainably to handle core, restores company always new challenges. Because, as every single person, every company has an ecological footprint, to keep it small. Promotes for example by an environmentally friendly infrastructure belongs to the hardware not only sustainably produced, but also software, an economical use of resources. The document management system agorum core, for example, offers ways to save paper and ink. Because companies can quite simply already reduce the paperwork through the electronic storage of documents. Ostfildern 29.08.2013 the ecological footprint is for the consumption of resources such as paper and energy of people, institutions and companies in everyday life and is an indicator of sustainability. To keep the footprint small, many companies it is important to note but a voluntary contribution for one not only environmental laws sustainable environmental development to provide. An approach that effectively and deliberately to act, is a document management system.

Because already the mere filing and management of documents in an electronic system allows to reduce paper consumption and the ecological footprint, because information can be provided so almost completely digital. The DMS agorum core also offers the ability to digitize entire document-related processes, for example the audit. Company is thus able to align the processes not only more efficient, but completely paper-free to implement. Often, documents such as invoices are no longer printed out in every single Department, which is involved in the process, and filed. This saves paper and needed fewer cartridges that may be harmful to the environment when not friendly disposal. The agorum Software GmbH is a positive example of a virtually paperless office. Because the own DMS as a central platform for documents and internal company workflows used.

Also office furniture also reduced the carbon footprint: the DMS manufacturer uses, for example, energy saving desk lamps. Document management system agorum core: the agorum Software GmbH is the manufacturer of the open source document management system agorum core. The company celebrates its 15th anniversary in 2013, because it exists since 1998 in Ostfildern/Nellingen, close to Stuttgart Airport. From 2002 the development of agorum core started in 2008 the two Managing Directors decided Rolf lang and Oliver Schulze, the DMS to provide open source software. Since then, agorum has established core as a highly flexible and easy to use document management system/enterprise-content-management-system in the market. Distributed and integrated is the DMS directly from the manufacturer or through the approx. 50 contractual partners in Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, and the Switzerland. More information about the company: press contact: agorum Software GmbH Stefan Rocker / Natalie Swiss E-Mail: / bird Valentina str. 22 73760 Ostfildern phone: + 49 711 358718-40 fax: + 49 711 3461063


More and more people require parallel energy energy saving and the use of new technologies are the way the world’s population is continually growing and already there are not only the Western countries, which increase with the help of energy, their quality of life. The energy reserves shrinking, however, and it is likely that the next generation will have significant problems, affordable energy to operate. The use of environmentally-friendly techniques such as geothermal, solar, LED and recycling help, to save energy on all levels, techniques for energy such as wind, water and solar energy systems are new in the development and in the use partially. Until the entire human population and the environment can benefit however, there is only the way to conserve resources and reduce energy consumption. This task falls to anyone, the energy required. Selfish thinking is no longer justifiable in a world where everything is intertwined.

Energy is wasted now, missing our future generations. It doesn’t does not matter whether you wasted the energy itself or whether it does the neighbouring country or another on the opposite side of the Earth. Saving energy is the order of the day for all, that companies employ energy-saving equipment and techniques in the production, cities and communities check their lights on profitability, and that each of us determines whether he needed as he currently consumes so much energy. Because it is often cheaper. In many households are still obsolete electrical appliances, which are the purest energy guzzlers.

It may be that it is glad that they dutifully perform their service for decades. The price for this is however highly. Modern electrical appliances such as freezers, washing machines, LED lamps and televisions, but also heating baths, consume half as much energy in the medium. And can tell everyone on his bank statement, if the annual energy statement is debited. It owes its old cherished habits many high payments. A romantic clinging Waste of money is outdated technology. With a free online calculator can be made immediately his personal savings. The mass makes it also applies to the lighting within cities, in production halls, offices and in any case in private households. Because to the extent that exactly where the most energy is consumed. Energy-saving lighting by replacing old lamps and luminaires should therefore among the first measures when it comes to saving energy. The use of LED lamps is future-oriented action, because they it, that offers the most convenient in terms of lighting, low energy consumption until further notice. It is also free of mercury or other health-hazardous substances. “This means: also their disposal is easy and inexpensive, they are not in the category hazardous waste” will be classified. These arguments speak clearly for the LED lights. That way the energy consumption with the use of LED lamps by up to 65-90% is reduced lamps or LED, without anything must be omitted, is another plus, to accelerate the usage. Advantages of LED lighting: high costs, low running costs and low maintenance long life no UV & IR radiation no flicker or hum immediately 100% brightness vibrations without toxins such as mercury as the LED lamp already presented best references, in which light plays a central role. From the shop offices to parking garages and factories, can LED be used in high efficiency, optical aesthetically as well as functionally, lights and spotlights.

Carport: How You Can Even Contribute To The Energy Revolution Can

Already during the construction of House and garage thinking about energy saving debate is much in politics. Since the nuclear accident in Fukushima anyway, because the complete energy supply of the Federal Republic of Germany is at stake, when it would shut down all nuclear power plants. However, there are numerous methods to supply the world with energy more environmentally friendly. As a consumer’s hands are tied one often, but it can contribute to the energy revolution. For example, with the purchase of a double car port. A carport is doubly handy, just because on the one hand you can park cars, including of course, on the other hand, energy can be generated by the solar cells on the roof of the carport. A carport is particularly attractive for homeowners who have enough floor space for such a person in front of her house.

He combines an appearance at the same time with practical use, because there is a huge selection of modern double carports, so that a matching double carport can be found for each House color according to your needs. While the use of energy-saving lamps and a simultaneous ban on light bulbs proved rather moderate success for the climate change, solar energy in the future will be increasingly important. The nationwide distribution of double carports can help that every household has its own power supply. Only free and available in human thinking on ages energy sources such as solar and wind are used as energy sources. Either can be but also the energy gained the free network available.

We not even consume the energy gained by the solar beams so as another can be used, so that the whole economy is efficiently supplied with power. The Federal Government aims to that long term almost the entire energy requirement can be obtained by regenerative raw materials. The times, in which oil from the Earth had to be pumped for the energy supply seem at least foreseeable to be over. Help can it also, if consumers in the construction of real estate a thought that makes obtaining a double carport. For little money can be such a build up or you procured raw materials up and builds himself a double carport. In a few steps, this can be already made. With regard to the functioning of the solar modules, it is in this case however the ratsamere alternative to access the knowledge of professionals and to invest the money in a carport. They will receive back quickly the relatively high costs through energy savings. Who would like to contribute yourself to the eco-friendly world, is definitely on the right side with the purchase of a double car port. The energy transition must be implemented eventually even by the citizens. Dirk STAUDINGER


Care and maintenance for optimum securing of investment solar system as any technical equipment must be serviced a photovoltaic system regularly. That also a regular cleaning is essential to obtain the maximum efficiency that is often neglected. In addition to the regular technical inspection, which is usually provided by a maintenance contract with the manufacturer, also a regular cleaning of the solar modules is indispensable for maintaining optimal performance. Typically, the purchase of a photovoltaic plant in advance is probably thinking about and through calculated, it represents but an environmental investment in the future. In the private as well as in the commercial sector the expenditure incurred for the purchase of a solar energy system to refinance as soon as possible. Target is the maximum current income through a flawless functionality of PV modules. That a regular maintenance and care is essential, after the installation of the same to preserve the maximum efficiency regular technical inspections and cleaning operations must be performed.

Many operators are aware of and have checked your system through its paces. Not only the best possible utilisation will focus the gained solar energy, but also the longevity made investment. This round to check-up correctly verifies whether and what hidden causes, which lead to the degradation of performance, are to detect. Precise measurements that expose potential feeding loss thereby assume an important role. Continue to the solar modules be cleaned thoroughly, since any contamination by fatty pollen dusts, fumes, vapor movies etc. that interfere with sunlight.

Foam pads, leaves and bird droppings stains can not only cause significant loss of power, but significantly damage the individual modules. The link is logical: so how also glasses are cleaned from time to time need to get a clear view, the solar modules should be clean as possible to catch the Sun’s rays unimpeded. A simple rinse with tap water does not help here, because any dirt that is not resolved and on the contrary, additional calcium deposits cause. Regular care and maintenance guarantee optimum function a professional maintenance with a special cleaning procedure (which incidentally can be deductible) gives the operator the security about the full power of the system. In the future, new standards will be asked with a permanent monitoring and cleaning of the solar systems. Just in the first five years, where solar manufacturers in the prescribed warranty management obligation of performance guarantees write out the necessary inspections can be detected with a complete documentation of the performed maintenance. Thus the operator not only saves money, what him in case one often does not because conscious – not checked – power supply loss escapes, but can assert warranty claims. This already a quarrel with performance guarantee and warranty donors or even going to the lawyer would have been spared some. Bearing in mind the current development and years of experience in the field of solar specialist companies together have joined already, to be able to offer a full supply. Conzept building service GmbH offers this service for all solar operator. For the version we used a nationwide working mobile special team with the latest technology.