As soon as approved, the site current, enters in air in day 19 of November of 2010, together inscric’ it you are of Selective Process UFFS of 2011. In virtue it conteu of it of what already it existed in the old gina Par to be in great volume, the access the same was kept atrave s of enderec’ . 2,6 MANAGEMENT OF the CONTEU OF All it conteu of this tico and mico dina of instituic’ to and managed atrave s of the System of Management Web UFFS. Sa the main functionalities of the system: Administrac’ to the one of Par ginas; Publisher of conteu of the WYSIWYG14; Upload15 of images, documents and annexes for visualizac’ to and download; Criac’ of new Par ginas, as noti cias and conteu of in general; Administrac’ to the one of menu item (links); Administrac’ to the one of usua rivers of the system; Estati sticas of access of the Par ginas and documents. 13 WordPress and a system of management of conteu of the one in web, especially for criac’ to the one of blogs.
14 WYSIWYG and acro nimo of the express in ingle s ” What You See Is What You Get” , whose traduc’ to it sends something to it as ” What you ve and what you obtem” (OQVVEOQVO). 15 Upload or shipment and transfers ncia to it of data of a local computer to a server.