Wiki Terms

We are facing a point of breakthrough in terms of technology applications. Today the revolution occurs in the way we communicate and interact in social networks. How does this affect the business world? I want to share with the readers of this blog an article I wrote a few days ago to another technology Blog in which I participate. It is important to know these concepts, it is necessary to understand them and have them present. In a short time we can be using this type of technology in our daily work. There are two terms that are revolutionizing the scenario of businesses in developed countries in technology. Wiki and WEB 2.0 let’s see first what are the most common definitions of these two terms: Wiki: somewhat paradoxical.

I did the Wiki definition query in Wikipedia, the encyclopedia of free access that makes use of Wiki technology, but is so complex that did not seem appropriate to make use of it for a basic article on the topic as this. I found a definition more easy to understand posted by Stephanie fails it reads as follows: the term WikiWiki is Hawaiian origin that means: fast. Commonly to abbreviate this word is used Wiki and in technological terms is a software for creating content in a collaborative way.Called Wiki Web pages with links, images and any type of content that can be accessed and edited by anyone. In this way it becomes a Web tool that allows us to collectively create documents without performing an acceptance of content before being published on the Internet. A clear example: Wikipedia, a project to develop a free online encyclopedia. In that way affects this type of technology business? Already have highly productive experiences applying Wikis to work in marketing and sales, for example. Wikis are imposing a new methodology of work to collaborate between the areas of marketing and sales at the corporate level.