Great Assembly

ES the protests of ‘ indignados’ they multiply by all Spain. The encamped ones in the Door of the Sun decide to remain there indefinitely. The mobilizations begin to extend by different European capitals. Economic and social the movement of citizens who, organized through it social networks, demand a real democracy and criticize the deficiencies of the political system, has extended already to tens of Spanish cities, in spite of the prohibition of the concentrations in cases and rain in others. The main activity continues concentrating itself in Madrid, where the encamped ones have decided to remain indefinitely in the Door of the Sun, and in Barcelona, where they have announced his will to remain although they prohibit it. Despite the movement it is acquiring more and more force in the rest of Spanish cities and begins to spread by different European capitals. Saragossa: The number of encamped in the place of the Pillar has happened in few hours of some thirty to than two hundred people, animated more by the citizen collaboration that takes to them foods and everything what they solicit through the social networks.

The impellers of the initiative have installed a mailbox so that they wish that it leaves to a writing ” expressing its opinion libremente”. In the next hours they will celebrate factories of plastic activities and theater for children and adults, as well as factories of cinema done with moving bodies, choir, languages, manualidades, papiroflexia and Twitter. To 19,00 h the Aragonese capital will lodge a citizen press conference and 20,00 h IV the Great Assembly. For this Friday there is predicted a class of Communication 2,0 to 9,30 h and the action of the Zulo, to 19,00 h. The new features can be followed through Twitter, with hashtag #acampadazgz. Oviedo: The place of the Escandalera has become the place of the ovetense protest.