Pedagogical Quality

This is not the idea, would be an excellent chance of the professors to learn with the pupils, with this gesture could teach that, no matter how hard if knows a substance, it always has something to learn in another one. Zagury (2006, p.203) affirms: The method can be moved and techniques of education for the other most modern ones, without this improves the quality of education, because it is not the method that makes a good professor; he is the professor who makes any method to become effective. What it does not annul nor contradicts the necessity (only reinforcement) to play all ours ' ' cartas' ' in the recovery of the teaching quality. The professor is who teaches e, to teach with quality, needs itself to believe what he makes and that they believe it, demonstrating extra respect, devotion, security and abilities. Psicopedagogo must play different roles in the development of educational practical its, over all in the direction to make possible significant changes in its prxis comunicacional.

Thus computer science comes contributing for the significant changes in the world of the work that had resulted one more time in the alteration of the paradigm of the production and also in the education. 2,2 Pedagogical update of psicopedagogo How much to the computerization of the education, it is agreed to Motta (1986, P. 123) when it judges that the effort of the education in the direction to form free, safe individuals and responsible, capable to think on account proper, it will be necessarily bigger and more difficult in the future of what already it has been. The computer has provoked a revolution in the education because of its capacity to teach. The possibilities of implantation of new techniques of education are practically limitless and are counted, today, with the relatively low financial cost to implant and to keep laboratories of computers, each time more demanded in such a way for parents how much for pupils.

Paper House

It is what it characterizes the popular culture: the learning obeys a system of traditions and customs. In this direction, it is interesting to think as the popular culture, through its more diverse references, can show to the Education, or to other sciences, that the predisposition to the learning becomes more detached the more significant will be the study object. To the educators who work with the small children, de0 a6 years, valley to retake, to consolidate this relation with the popular culture, the principle whom playing characterizes as activity where if it estimates a propitious relation to the process of integral development: partner-affective-intellect-emotional. In the practical one, she is necessary to be intent to the possibilities of redimensionamento of the strategies and the materials that we have by hand for the planning of activities that come to contribute, effectively, with this operacionalizao. Under this optics, Playing To fold Paper between Cantigas and Contos is an activity, but it could well be thought as a system: from the choice of pertinent a practical instrument the tricks (in the case, the paper and the possibilities of its transformation for the process to fold it), are developed flowing of infantile discoveries and/or retaken of cantigas and the verbal narratives. Remembering that already a popular song exists very (' ' &#039 was a funny house very; '), the educator can lead the initial trick exactly to strengthen what he has of funny in this house does not have soil, does not have window etc.

-, with the intention to become livings creature the verses of music. If the song not to appear spontaneously, nothing hinders to present it the group, teaching to it what it says the letter. To illustrate the possibilities of this activity, let us think about a simple model of folding, that all must know the house. It is a sufficiently classic figure.

Learning English

So, we make a kind of tour of the choice of methods and forms of learning English. You are already confident in his desire to begin to learn English, but while you're still not quite sure what method is most suited to you, to your rhythm of life, abilities and preferences. So, you already know that there are plenty of current and long-standing ways of learning English, you are also well know the advantages of learning English using audio books, but here, for example, training for the audio book you are not quite arranged, well, at least, because you need a real teacher. Again, tutor you on some reasons to hire or do not want, or you have no chance. Then, in this case, you have a wonderful way out of this situation. Namely, as an additional English language you might well choose – learning with computer technology. Incidentally, this method has great advantages over other methods of learning English. This efficiency, accessibility and availability of your personal teacher. Now we talk about distance education, namely, having to 'armed' computer and internet choosing this method of training, you can quickly perform any request to the system, and as soon as possible to get an answer, a new job or to obtain a detailed analysis of their mistakes. In general, it is very long and tedious to enumerate all the advantages of this method, but it seems that no special explanation is clear as far as convenient and beneficial distance learning English.

NASA Discoveries

Our universe is finite and small! The discovery by NASA scientists! Already found that the structure of our Earth dodecahedral. Dodecahedron – a polyhedron consisting of twelve regular pentagons. But the understanding of the universe were, until recently, quite vague. Throughout all stages of human development the word 'universe' was present in the thoughts and images as something unimaginable eternal and infinite. And when the man had a two-dimensional consciousness, and three-dimensional, all told him that the universe is something that defies even the most daring flight voobrazheniya.No flew century, space flooded with satellites and space stations.

NASA scientists spent a great scientific work on definition of the term 'universe' and what it represents, to date. The universe is finite and small size. Yes, our universe with all its galaxies and stars, with its black holes, dark and light matter, with the planets inhabited and uninhabited, is a creature of space, of course, the scale, but small. Only because of our very limited perception of (and this is only 0,5% of what we surrounds), we believe that it is infinite. Changing times, changing and reporting.

In ancient times it was believed that the earth is flat, stands on three elephants, or whales, and hangs in space. Further, Einstein put forward to mankind the idea of the closed world to himself. That is, if you fly in one direction, then in the end, arrive to the point of departure. The U.S. probe WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe), working in orbit since 2001. to study the cosmic microwave background microwave radiation, conducted several studies. If the universe were infinite, then the range of these fluctuations would be restricted. But data collected by sensors with WMAP, have led astronomers into confusion. Computer simulation data confirmed that the scale of our universe is small. And the fact that our universe is still closed on itself, and is a 'mirror space', where all objects are reflected to form a lot of mirror images.

International Professional Fight Tournament II Super Pro

Vanguard costume. " The team led by Elena Vasilyevna Lukaszewicz – Doctor of Philology, professor, head. Department of Theory and Practice Communications of the Altai State University, Barnaul. It consists of: Bryleva Olga, Bugorskaya Nadine Hussar Elena G., Natalia Kuznetsova, Marina Frolov N. – authors of training programs for researchers and teachers of public educational institutions of higher and further education "teacher in the Image corporate culture of the university. " Svetlakova Valentina Pavlovna – PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor of General and Educational Psychology at Omsk State Pedagogical University – author textbook, "Psychology of the image." Kovtunova Olga Matveyevna – Ph.D., assistant professor of social pedagogy, Ural State Pedagogical University and Kovtunova Alla N. – candidate ped. Sciences, associate professor of history and theory of social work, Ural State Pedagogical University – authors of educational tools PR-Imidzhmeyking in social work." Obolensky Svetlana – candidate.

Chemical Sciences, the artist – the author of jewelry collection, "The Art of IVF." Kostylev Alex G. – Director of the NGO Fight Club "Bison", the Mariupol, Ukraine – The author of the promotion of the International Professional Fight Tournament II Super Pro -2008, the Chulanova Oksana L. – candidate. ped. , Associate Professor, Head of External Studies Surgut State University – author of the project "Improving the image of the Airline" UTair "in re-branding and quality systems." The team, consisting of Elena Orlova A. – doctor of psychological Sciences, professor, academician of the PAM; Kozyakova Roman Valerievich – candidate. Psychology. Sciences, corresponding member of AIM and Mokrova Roman Valentinovich – a member of the Creative Union of Artists – the authors of the project "The image of the youth of the New Russia." Zhebit Vladimir – PhD Psychology.

Sciences, corresponding member of AIM, a member of the Physics Institute of the Physics Institute, RAS (FIAN) – author of the promotion of innovation Physics Institute of the Physics Institute, RAS (FIAN). Tatiana Makarova – Ph.D., assistant professor of design of the Moscow financial-industrial academy, a corresponding member of AIM – author of the project progress Fashion House ICON. The team headed by Yuri Chernyshov IG – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of General History and International Relations, ASU – author of the organization International scientific conference "Modern Russia and the world: an alternative to development (the role of Russian regions in shaping the image of the country). Dushenkina Elena – International student Academy of Business and Management – author of "Corporate image: a theory of practice" in the magazine "Corporate imageology", 2008. Congratulating the awardees, the President of the Academy imageology, doctor of psychological sciences, professor Elena A. Petrova hoped that the competition in the future will be more popular and interesting to a wider audience. She reported that this year at the initiative of the Director of the Institute of Policy Vitaly image Valentinovitch Trubnikov instituted another award of the contest, called "Antiimidzh." For this category Tabachkova artist Nikolai, a member of the International Union of Designers (author of the main prize of the contest) is made A special figurine. But for her to call his anti-hero award to the public. To do this, anyone can take part in the vote to be held at the site of the Academy imageology the end of 2009. The voting results will be announced at the awards ceremony of the contest "The image directory of 2010."