47). The increase of the temperatures according to Tavares (2004), also will affect the coastal systems, because the heating of waters will harm the sea life, mainly the atis and the reefs of chorales. However, the fauna and the littoral flora also they will suffer damages due to invasion from the water of the sea that will modify the characteristics of the environment, provoking sufficiently disequilibrium to the region. ' ' The rapidity foreseen for modifications of the climate, also in what it says respect to the variability and the extreme events, can be the great obstacle for adaptation of animals and vegetais' ' (TAVARES, 2004, P. 74). Another consequence generated for the rise of the temperatures will be the increase of the illnesses provoked for vectors, as the yellow fever, affection, malaria and esquistossomose, increasing the mortality tax. (A valuable related resource: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger). These endemic diseases that are typical of the intertropical regions will extend for the extratropical zones. However, the illnesses of the respiratory ways will have to diminish, while of the circulatrio device they will be aggravated.
The antrpica action is the main factor that provokes alterations in the climate, capable to form another climatic type, the example of the urban climate, marked for the increase of the thermal sensation, them islands of heat and acid rains. This due to great amount of industries, of vehicles, asfaltos and the reduction of the natural covering, provoking the increase of the temperature in the urban centers. Since this alteration of the local climate produces some anomalies the example of the thermal inversion, phenomenon that hinders the ascending movement it air, making with that the pollutants are next to the surface, harming the health of the inhabitants. This inversion is typical of the great cities and occurs mainly in the winter. Of this form, the substitution of the forests for cultivated areas probably will modify the climatic environment, even though the beings livings creature in general, intervenes with the climate.