Motor Development

The SD is essentially a global delay of the motor and mental development of the child. This cellular division imperfection can occur in three places: in the spermatozoon, vulo or during the first division of the cell after the fertilizao. The last possibility is very rare. They is esteem that in 20% 30% of the cases, chromosome 21 extra resulted of cellular division imperfection of the spermatozoon and that in 70% 80% of the cases, the extra chromosome comes of the mother. (PUESCHEL, 1993, p54). The deficiency is known that metal it is present in the picture of the SD and that the motor delays are corrected if stimulated well since early, but this necessary work to leave the child to develop itself in spontaneous, creative and affective way. Thus, they will be ready to enter in contact with the world for ampler inclusion in the society and with a bigger possibility of success, therefore for Pueschel (1993), in a world that little respects the individual differences, the carrying child of the SD as any another one, needs to have certain ' ' game of cintura' ' a dose of security to launch itself to the social commerce, also leaving the safe parents calmest and.

In accordance with Buckley (2010), the SD will bring to the individual a cognitivo comprometimento e, eventually, physicist, however, it does not hinder the development of many affective and intellectual potentialities. In virtue of the additional genetic material in chromosome 21 extra, children with SD has corporal characteristics that a different appearance of the one of its parents, brothers or other children confers them without deficiency. As chromosome 21 extra if finds in the cells of people with SD, it exerts an influence in the formation of the body of similar form. Thus, these children present many common characteristics and if they are similar between itself.

Secretary General Industralists

She is one of the requests that towards an industralist and which the model of the Platform defended Connections, that I help as much it in its beginnings. And he is that he considered himself fundamental, the constitution of a real and effective network that harnesses and foments the use of the technological tools like means of generation of alliances between women industralists, impelling its total participation in the virtual community like resource to compete in the markets. the age, like symbol of experience of the enterprising ones not always well is valued. He was another one of the testimonies of an industralist who demanded measures that favor the generation of alliances between autnomos/as.As she indicated Bethlehem Ferrer, director of Foundation MOA is the moment of which new models like outsourcing among others, begin to value themselves professionally as much by companies as by the people enterprising. To undertake is risk and opportunity The President of the Platform Connections, transfer the necessity to fortify the support and effective advising to the people who want to create their own business, in the conviction of which to undertake becomes exposition in which Iaqui agreed Grouse, manager of Madrid Undertakes, that in addition showed the dynamism of the City of Madrid like tolerant territory, innovating and with opportunities. Julia Garci’a-Glass, also I raise the necessity that civil society Administration, educative system and enterprise organizations as the Platform rows in the same direction .

Another one of the assistants, Sebastin Reyna, Secretary General of UPTA, indicated is crisis of knowledge no potentiality but, of data of allegiances to Social Security, yes detect certain crisis of emprendimiento, and it although there are many opportunities to discover, aspect in which Ana Santiago, Assistant director of entrepreneurs of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid and Antonio Gigirey, director of Salvia Communication, agreed, indicating on the other hand the necessity of continuous formation in this matter and generation of novel tools for the company already set up as for example data bases of the premises of rentable businesses. Who is PLATFORM CONNECTIONS Result of the initiative of a group of women is an Enterprise Federation tie industralists and professionals a different organizations and associations of women who have united their experience and knowledge to do in emprendimiento, self-employment, creation and consolidation of companies. With more than 3,000 associates, its creation responds to objective to foment the generation of enterprising initiatives, the fortification of networks that proportions opportunities and formation to the women independent, industralists and enterprising. A form different to understand the world of the company and where the values and the conciliation, constitute an essential element.

Cultural Problem

The marginalizao of the aged one is really a cultural problem. It is good also for remembering that with passing of the age intelligence can or not suffer a decrease, differing from the memory, whose decline is inevitable. Although this can happen some authors (Gooldfarb, 1988; Simes, 1988) affirms that the will to learn is sufficient so that the learning occurs, in the same way that for an adolescent of 12 years to one gentleman of 80 years. Logically, the limitations caused for the aging, as well as the used strategies to compensate are evidenced them. In this way, the learning in the third age is viable, however it is limited specifically by the speed that the new task is presented, a time that the aged one holds back little information after a first presentation. Although many times camouflaged, can still be observed that many of the actions supposedly destined to take care of of the people oldest, nothing more are of what subterfuges to keep them isolated, as well as many elogiosos speeches they are not more than disguises to hide what of threatening and overwhelming the oldness it locks up in our imaginary social one. It is important to detach that the oldness is not an only process, but the addition of several others, distinct, between itself. Therefore, one another possible explanation for such difficulty in if categorizing oldness consists of the fact where it is not a state, but constant one and always unfinished process of subjetivao. Therefore, it can be said that for the most part of the time one does not exist ' ' to be velho' ' , but one ' ' to be envelhecendo' '. Love and sexuality in the third age Parallel to the difficulty that if has for the conceptualization of the oldness, are had, also, problematic of the acceptance of the practical lovers and sexual manifestations in people who if find in advanced age.

Mental Upheavals

The thought of execution of the act does not have to be in exactly pleasant itself. The thoughts, images or impulses must be disagreeably repetitive. Obsessions the obsessions are thoughts or ideas, impulses, images, scenes, words, phrases, counting, doubts that invade the conscience of form repetitive, persistent and estereotipada, that the patient does not obtain to prevent, followed or of destined rituals not to neutralize them. To wash the hands repetidamente, to verify doors, to repeat questions, to count, to repeat a word, a phrase, a music, are clear examples of these obsessions. The contents told for the patients are mentioned habitually to the aggression and the loss of control, to wound somebody, the recklessness, to be little honest, to the accidents, the sexuality, the religion, the contamination and the illnesses. Treatment the objective of the treatment consists of changing the knowledge of the patient on the obsessions, preventing the neutralization and to allow, thus, that the patients if accustom with the obsessive thoughts. The frequency and the duration of the thoughts and the malaise caused by them will diminish consequentemente. In this treatment the specific objectives are: To provide an adequate explanation of the obsessions.

To make with that the patient understands the paper of the neutralization in the maintenance of the obsessive thoughts. To prepare the patient for the exposition to the thoughts and the situations that unchain the obsessions. To correct, when necessary, superesteem of the power and the importance of the thoughts. To correct, when present I exaggerate, it of the consequences of fear specifies associates to the thought. To correct, when present, the perfeccionismo and the extreme responsibility.

To make with that the patient perceives the situations where he is more vulnerable to the fallen again one. To prepare the strategies to be used when to occur the fallen again one. The program is standardized and each patient receives all the components from the treatment. On the other hand, also he is individualizado, since the type of exposition, the objectives of the prevention of the reply and the correction in accordance with vary the characteristics of each patient. The patients receive from four the five months of treatment, including about three months with two therapeutical sessions per week normally. The psicofrmacos more efficient they consist of antidepressants that recapture inhibit it of the serotonina as the clomipromina, sertralina, paroxetina, fluoxetina and fluvoxamina. When adequately treated, at least 2/3 of the patients they get significant improvement. Consideraes Final: The TOC is an illness that presents a rich and diversified fenomenologia, with infinite possibilities of presentation, what it can make it difficult its identification. The degree of criticizes can the same vary between the patients and in agreement individual the occasion. We can evidence in this in case that the TOC is an upheaval in which if can get a significant improvement, since that has a good psychological accompaniment, and that it correctly follows the treatment until the end. Bibliography: CORDIOLI, Aristides Volpato. Psycotherapies: current boardings. 2ed. Porto Alegre: Medical arts, 1998. Classification of Mental Upheavals and Behavior of the CID-10: Clinical descriptions and disgnostic lines of direction. Translation Dorgival Caetano. Porto Alegre: Medical arts, 1993. CABALLO, Vicente E. Translation Magali de Lourdes Peter.

Mental Upheavals

The thought of execution of the act does not have to be in exactly pleasant itself. The thoughts, images or impulses must be disagreeably repetitive. Obsessions the obsessions are thoughts or ideas, impulses, images, scenes, words, phrases, counting, doubts that invade the conscience of form repetitive, persistent and estereotipada, that the patient does not obtain to prevent, followed or of destined rituals not to neutralize them. To wash the hands repetidamente, to verify doors, to repeat questions, to count, to repeat a word, a phrase, a music, are clear examples of these obsessions. The contents told for the patients are mentioned habitually to the aggression and the loss of control, to wound somebody, the recklessness, to be little honest, to the accidents, the sexuality, the religion, the contamination and the illnesses. Treatment the objective of the treatment consists of changing the knowledge of the patient on the obsessions, preventing the neutralization and to allow, thus, that the patients if accustom with the obsessive thoughts. The frequency and the duration of the thoughts and the malaise caused by them will diminish consequentemente. In this treatment the specific objectives are: To provide an adequate explanation of the obsessions.

To make with that the patient understands the paper of the neutralization in the maintenance of the obsessive thoughts. To prepare the patient for the exposition to the thoughts and the situations that unchain the obsessions. To correct, when necessary, superesteem of the power and the importance of the thoughts. To correct, when present I exaggerate, it of the consequences of fear specifies associates to the thought. To correct, when present, the perfeccionismo and the extreme responsibility.

To make with that the patient perceives the situations where he is more vulnerable to the fallen again one. To prepare the strategies to be used when to occur the fallen again one. The program is standardized and each patient receives all the components from the treatment. On the other hand, also he is individualizado, since the type of exposition, the objectives of the prevention of the reply and the correction in accordance with vary the characteristics of each patient. The patients receive from four the five months of treatment, including about three months with two therapeutical sessions per week normally. The psicofrmacos more efficient they consist of antidepressants that recapture inhibit it of the serotonina as the clomipromina, sertralina, paroxetina, fluoxetina and fluvoxamina. When adequately treated, at least 2/3 of the patients they get significant improvement. Consideraes Final: The TOC is an illness that presents a rich and diversified fenomenologia, with infinite possibilities of presentation, what it can make it difficult its identification. The degree of criticizes can the same vary between the patients and in agreement individual the occasion. We can evidence in this in case that the TOC is an upheaval in which if can get a significant improvement, since that has a good psychological accompaniment, and that it correctly follows the treatment until the end. Bibliography: CORDIOLI, Aristides Volpato. Psycotherapies: current boardings. 2ed. Porto Alegre: Medical arts, 1998. Classification of Mental Upheavals and Behavior of the CID-10: Clinical descriptions and disgnostic lines of direction. Translation Dorgival Caetano. Porto Alegre: Medical arts, 1993. CABALLO, Vicente E. Translation Magali de Lourdes Peter.

Memory Information

For Lent (2001), it has a sequncia of events in the mnemnicos processes, the first one it is the acquisition of the information, follows the storage and finally the recovery of the information through the memory. 2,2 Phases of Memory the memory occupies a central place between the thematic ones that they are studied in the scope of Cognitiva Psychology. Its definition shows difficult, due to its boarding to have been perspetivada two different chains in accordance with and for antagnicas times: the estruturalista perspetiva (sensorial memory, memory of short term and memory of long stated period) and the procedural perspetiva (it says respect to the mental activities that we execute in view of the codification, retention and recovery of the information of the memory). The studied estruturalista conceo more, shows to us that it has some memories, that they differ between itself and they meet in the unicity and interdependence of functioning. The prespetiva guided for the processes, has helped to understand that the used strategies in any of the phases of the mnsico process: acquisition, retention and recovery of the information, are basic and interdependent, that is the use of a strategy in one of the phases, it conditions the optimized performance if it will not be present in the one in another phase. Sternberg (2000), describes that the cognitivos psychologists had identified three common operations of the memory: codification, storage and recovery. Acquisition: before remembering we have to learn, without learning does not have memory.

The learning can occur of different forms and depends on the attention that dmos to the event or event. Through the attention, we ignore the stimulatons that do not have interest for we and hold back the ones who we consider important, but to conserve them its codification is necessary. The codification says respect to the form as an information item is placed in the memory.

The Oldness

As much these familiar comoseus must know and know to deal with the processoscognitivos that can be modified with the increase of the age. Strategies that aim at intervenosob aspects as memory of work, aateno and the speed of processing must serdesenvolvidas to work in favor of the language, utilizandorecursos that promote the valuation of self and to quetirem advantage of the strong points of the doidoso cognition, as the preservation of the memriaepisdica, the use of strategies decompreenso that value the context and the aspects globaisdo speech of the interlocutor and the ability to produce narrativasinteressantes emarcadas for the wealth in the expression of the emotions. INTRODUCTION the objectives of this work are, as if it sees, eminently practical, since they scrumble to a position taking front to the pedagogical difficulties of the teach-learning of the languages, as much in what materna says respect to the language, how much to one second language. The language of the aged one, each time more, has been the focus of research of psychology and the lingustica that they search to identify transformations and to detect the causes of possible changes that occur in the aging process. This article revises important studies on the language of the aged one, focusing the discoveries, the controversies and the hypotheses of the maintenance or the decline of lingusticas functions in the oldness.

The research in this field still is in initial period, however the interaction enters disciplines is increasing. Moreover, the studies start to focus the functions that are preserved or that they evolve with the advance of the age and appear trends for the development of future perspectives of intervention during the aging process. The research comes demonstrating that independent of the results to demonstrate to declnios, preserved or superior abilities, the inquiry must return with positive fruits for the life from the aged ones. .

Solutions Technology

Every day more companies and Government agencies are showing a special interest in becoming more effective and efficient in carrying out its processes and its daily operations. Technology puts within your reach innovative tools that contribute to the momentum of its evolution. Controlling the processes of recruitment and shopping, in all its phases, is as important as complex work; It manages, generates a large volume of official documentation, numerous employees and differents departments interact and with different profiles, should be aware of time and lifetimes as well as know the State where are records, having registered suppliers and tenderers and to have reports to exploit the managed information.This situation has as conseceuncia that certain tasks, which are usual, become complicated, losing information throughout the management, that there is no visibility on the general status of all records, and produce uncontrolled delays due to the lack of reminders of lifetimes and their corresponding warnings. The law 30/2007, legal context Additionally, we have a framework legad, while it drives innovation, requiring a few specific requirements to public administrations and companies that provide services to it; an adaptation of the systems is necessary to law 30/2007 of 30 October, on Public Sector contracts. To solve these problems and be able to cope with this situation, purchasing and contracting departments are turning to tools which, through innovation, help control the information and processes. Resource optimization and control of processes new technological applications manage to automate the processing of contracts, defining all the steps of the process and, in this way, guiding the user in each one of the stages of the recruitment. Technological solutions that offer the possibility to automatically generate all necessary official documentation from a definition of templates, as well as access to a repository of reports that allows you to view, the status of the files kept in every moment, and which enables a simple integration with other external systems that help to optimize recruitment, as they are the record of entry / exit of correspondence, the profile of the Contracting Party, the platform of engagement of the State, and the Integral management of invoices. All this gives an important optimization of response times because, through computer processing of data and by monitoring information, indicators of quality and activity of automated processes are obtained, reduces the volume of paper-based documentation, internal communication speeding up and improving the services provided to citizens and the interrelationship with companies.In short, through the implementation of technological solutions, is achieved greater efficiency is reached and work with maximum efficiency in procurement and purchasing departments.